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نویسنده: هادی جباری
موضوع : آمار
زبان مقاله: انگلیسی

موارد یافت شده: 24

1 - Test of independence for some well-known bivariate distributions (چکیده)
2 - A New Investigation About Parallel (2;n-2) System Using FGM Copula (چکیده)
3 - Kaplan-Meier Estimator for Associated Random Variables Under Left Truncation and Right Censoring (چکیده)
4 - Tests of independence for GFGM distributions-power comparison by simulation (چکیده)
5 - On almost sure convergence rates for the Kernel estimation of a covariance operator under negative association (چکیده)
6 - Multivariate Shewhart Quality Control for Standard Deviation (چکیده)
7 - On almost sure convergence for weighted sums of pairwise negatively quadrant dependent random variables (چکیده)
8 - Exponential rates for negatively associated random variables based on kernel density function (چکیده)
9 - Aspects of Dependence in Generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern Distributions (چکیده)
10 - Power comparison of independence test for Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern family (چکیده)
11 - Almost sure convergence of kernel bivariate distribution function estimator under negative association (چکیده)
12 - Power comparison of independence test for Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern family (چکیده)
13 - Almost sure convergence of kernel bivariate distribution function estimator under negative association (چکیده)
14 - Almost Sure Convergence of Two-Dimensional Distribution Function Under Negative Association (چکیده)
15 - Complete convergence of weighted sums under negative dependence (چکیده)
16 - Exponential inequality for negatively associated random variables (چکیده)
17 - A New Statistic for Detecting Outliers in Gamma Distribution (چکیده)
18 - An exponential inequality for negatively associated random variables (چکیده)
19 - Almost sure convergence of two-dimensional distribution function under negative association (چکیده)
20 - A General Method of Density Estimation for Negatively Associated Random Variables (چکیده)
21 - Almost sure convergence rates for the estimation of a covariance operator for negatively associated samples (چکیده)
22 - Estimation of Parameters of the Gamma Distribution in the Presence of Outliers Generated From Uniform Distribution (چکیده)
23 - Detecting Outliers in Gamma Distribution (چکیده)
24 - Strong uniform convergence rate of kernel conditional quantile estimator under random censorship for a-mixing random variables (چکیده)
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